Introducing our AWARD WINNING e-Pim Datasheet Tool & LUCKINSlive platform

With Manufacturer product data constantly changing, it is crucial that the wholesaler and distributor has access to the most accurate and timely information possible, to meet the demands of the constantly connected consumer.

NG15’s PIM solution e-Pim, in association with LUCKINSlive data, will provide members of FEGIME, AWEBB and ANEW with direct access to all preferred supplier product datasheets.

Members can login to their e-Pim account, search, download and generate ‘on-the-fly’ dynamic datasheets, consisting of the most ‘up-to-date’ supplier product information, allowing them to sell and differentiate products, at the click of a button.

The main objective and benefit of e-Pim LIVE and LUCKINSlive syndication, is that it streamlines inefficiencies by replacing ‘manual data entry methods’ with an automated process, reducing the associated risks of error, achieving quicker time to market and better customer experience.

Key Benefits

Eliminates inaccuracy of product (brand) information
Products are presented correctly and consistently
Intuitive, easy-to-use interface
Better end-user product experience
Reduce manual workload for staff

Customer Key Benefits

Accurate specifications
Customer Product Experience (high standard)
Product datasheets can be provided digitally

IBA Dynamic Datasheet Tool

If you are an IBA Buying Group member, register today for your free login.

IBA Dynamic Datasheet Generation Tool

Fill in the form and a member of our team will get in touch with your login and access details.

Affiliate partners and associations:

“Build consumer confidence and increase sales with our Dynamic Datasheet Generation Tool.”

Shaun Cranstone
PIM Specialist and NG15 Director